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Group Reading Schedule

You have come to this page because you are either about to start reading through the Bible or because someone has invited you to join them while they are reading the Bible. Here you can get an icon link on your phone/tablet to access your daily reading or print off a custom schedule to use with your reading plan booklet.

Your group reading plan will begin soon!

While you wait for your plan to start, invite as many people as you can to join you by sharing this page with all your friends and family!


Below you will learn how to use our online and offline tools....

We have made reading on a phone or tablet as easy as starting an app
and we have also created high-quality tools for reading from a printed Bible.


<p style="text-align: justify;">We have made your daily reading experience as easy as opening up an app.  By clicking the Get Started button below we will show you how to place an icon on your phone or tablet that will allow you to read your current day's scripture passages in KJV or ESV directly from your electronic device.</p>


<p style="text-align: justify;">If you have a favorite study Bible, translation, or just don't like reading from digital screens, we have the tools for you!  You can generate a printable custom calendar reading schedule below that can be used with our reading plan booklet.  If you haven't ordered a printed booklet of our 2 year reading plan yet, you can do so by <a title="Order a print copy of our reading plan" href="../order-printed-chronological-cross-reference-bible-reading-plan" target="_blank">clicking here</a>. Our reading plan booklets are made to be high quality so they will hold up during use and we offer them to you at cost so that there is no hinderance to keep you from getting started!</p>

Use our tools to invite others to this page so they can read along with you!

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