4 Tips to Read the Whole Bible

4 Tips to Read the Whole Bible

Many people have great plans to read the whole Bible at the beginning of each year and after a couple of weeks to a couple of months don’t continue till the end. A number of reasons exist for people not following through but this doesn’t have to be you. By following...


Bible Study Together App 3.0 is Officially Here For Everyone!2021 was a huge year for Bible Study Together as the release of version 3.0 marks the complete rewrite of our Bible study app. The rewrite started in 2020 when we began laying the foundation for our vision...
Our Bible App: 2021 and Beyond!

Our Bible App: 2021 and Beyond!

We Did It! It’s been two years in the coming, but the complete rewrite of our Bible Study Together App is finally done. The app isn’t done, we have so much more coming. However, the rewrite is done. What does this mean? Well, two years ago our app allowed you to...
8 Christian Tips for Dealing with the Pandemic

8 Christian Tips for Dealing with the Pandemic

Many of the things that have distracted us like sports, materialism, and social entrainment have been stripped away from us because of the COVID-19 virus. This gives us a new opportunity to rebuild what we do in life. Here are some tips on how not to waste this time...