Our exclusive Bible reading plan takes you through the Bible in Chronological order while also daily connecting parallel passages from the NT and OT.
Stay consistent and focused in prayer using our app. Easily share prayer requests in your group. Organize and manage your prayers like never before.
Choose your favorite way to read with our Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Reading plan: App, Audio Bible, Printed Plan, or Study Journals.
Daily open ended questions, book introduction videos, 650+ contextual Bible maps, private group social network, printed study journal.
“Read the whole Bible in community and stay connected in prayer.”
Less than 10 min/day
Bible Reading Plan
Bible Study Together’s Bible reading plan interweaves the New Testament and Old Testament together in a single tapestry so that Old Testament stories, psalms, and prophecies connect as much as possible to New Testament teaching without losing their original context (Note: It is also Chronological). So when you are reading in James about Abraham offering Isaac on the altar, you are also reading this account in Genesis. Likewise, when you are reading about the Day of Atonement in Leviticus, you are also reading in Hebrews about Jesus being the fulfillment of this sacrifice.
Since our plan can be read in less than 10 minutes per day it accommodates everyone’s life. However, with all the extra resources available you can spend as much time as you want!
Bible Study Mobile App
Read the Bible, Pray, and Fellowship with group members all from one app. Our mobile app lets you conveniently read offline or listen to the Bible in ESV, NASB, and KJV using our unique reading plan. In addition, our app has daily study questions, over 650 custom Bible maps, videos, and daily challenges all integrated into the reading. You can track your day based on your reading schedule or by checking off what you have read. Its perfect for reading and praying together in groups!

Printed Bible Study Tools

Printed Bible Study Tools
Our Bible Study gives you options and this is important when you are trying to get your small group or whole church reading the Bible together. Some people prefer using a printed Bible and we have premium resources for them too! Our reading plan booklets have a glossy cardstock cover that should last the full two years of the plan and are available at cost. If you want to dig deeper, our 4 volume study journal will be perfect for you and can be printed for free or ordered online.

Chronological Bible
Reading Plan
Bible Study Together’s reading plan can help everyone understand what the psalms and prophets are communicating by placing their writings in the context of the biblical narrative. In other words, the Old Testament has been sorted and organized into a single story, so that the whole Old Testament history fits together and makes sense. Even the gospels have been connected together so they can be easily compared in the daily readings. However, unlike other chronological Bible studies, ours does not follow a strict chronological pattern. Since our goal is to help people understand Bible history and show them how the New Testament connects to the Old Testament our study is a balance of maintaining context, laying out the timeline, and cross-referencing passages together.
In the end, this unique study takes the best out of all sorts of reading plan methods and combines them into the ultimate Bible study tool. Click here to start reading!

Christian Prayer App
Our mobile app is also a full-featured Prayer App that allows you to store and organize all your prayers. Since our app also features a private social network for your group, you can also freely share your prayers among its members. One of the most unique features of our prayer app is its timed prayer session which allows you to stay focused while praying and it manages your time for you. Its hard to explain how well it works till you try it for yourself, so click the button below to get started.
Our goal is to get people reading the Bible in their communities and abroad. We believe reading the Scriptures with others presents one of the best opportunities to encourage Christians in the faith and help friends find Jesus. We encourage you to join our work, by inviting people to read through the Bible with you using our unique plan. Our plan is available online here and you can order a printed version of our plan here.
We started this journey in 2017 and it has been amazing hearing all the stories of people reading through the Bible! If you would like to join us and be part of the dream to bring people together in God’s word then learn more here.